No-Till Drill Planting the Organic Hayfield

Thanks to Welter Seed and Honey Company and the Saratoga County No-Till Drill Rental Program we were able to plant our organic hayfield over the last couple of days.

At 40 pounds-per acre we planted Certified Organic Pasture Mix Consists of:
30% Org Echelon Orchardgrass
30% Org Laura Meadow Fescue
20% Org Premium Perennial Ryegrass
10% Org Calibra Perennial Ryegrass
10% Org Timothy

And we added in the second hopper of the No-Till Drill Organic White Clover at 2 pounds per acre.

Organic Chicken Feed

We picked up our first bulk supply of Certified Organic Layer Feed from Cold Springs Farm Organics, LLC in Sharon Springs, New York on March 22nd. We bought 7 bags of this same feed from Outlander Survival Supply earlier in March and started the flock on organic feed on March 20th. Our chickens love the feed, and after one week with the chickens eating the organic feed, we really are starting to notice an improved taste in the eggs!