Chickens and Fencing to keep predators out

We use fencing to keep the coyotes and foxes away from our chickens. We take the time to fence large areas so that the chickens have plenty of space, but also have the predator protection. We are still working on solutions to protect them from hawks, but the more chickens we have, the more chance there is one chicken that will see the hawk overhead and sound the alarm.

No-Till Drill Planting the Organic Hayfield

Thanks to Welter Seed and Honey Company and the Saratoga County No-Till Drill Rental Program we were able to plant our organic hayfield over the last couple of days.

At 40 pounds-per acre we planted Certified Organic Pasture Mix Consists of:
30% Org Echelon Orchardgrass
30% Org Laura Meadow Fescue
20% Org Premium Perennial Ryegrass
10% Org Calibra Perennial Ryegrass
10% Org Timothy

And we added in the second hopper of the No-Till Drill Organic White Clover at 2 pounds per acre.